Sunday, December 25, 2005


Mood: Tired but happy
Music: Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio

Hey all, Merry Christmas to one and all! May this Christmas been better than the last few! Though this one has been most maturing!

Yesterday was really unusual. Chris had fever since Friday so was too weak to leave his house but had to eat so called me to his place to help him with the decision of lunch or luinner( lunch cum dinner). We ended up having Mac's. He of course slept most of day I was there. Played nurse to him since he was alone at home. Someone had to look after him. That came up to be a wise decision because his fever got worse and hit 40 Degrees C. That was high but Chris felt he could sleep it off.

Enter Sel

Selene being the loving gf that she is, got really worried about our dear protagonist's fever (Chris not me) so came to drag his reposed form to NUH. Chris was refusing on the grounds that he was broke and never been to a hospital in his life except to be born. Good sense prevailed mainly because Sel's dad gave her some cash to cover the A&E charge and the medicine costs. He also had very high fever.

Yours truly had to find a cab to bring Chris to the hospital which thanks to divine intervention came in juz 1 minute of waiting. Went to the hospital to see what was relly wrong with him. He ended up being quaratined so me and Sel went to the food court to find food for her. Of course, it wasnt long b4 news broke out that Chris was in hospital. Laura arrived a little later and joined us. I took a lot of the flak for not stopping Chris from eating heaty foods etc. Well, thats why girls are better nurses. Admittedly, this was the first time I had to look after someone so cut me some slack.

The night ended with the exchange of presents. I got a book and Christmas card. The rest got what they asked for. This was truly a great Christmas Eve. Chris was discharged and is currently reposed at home oblivious to everything.

Disclaimer: All content of this posts is from personal opinion. No ill-will was intended towards anyone. Facts are as accurate as I can remember. (Chris this post isnt very flattering of you but it is quite true).


Friday, December 23, 2005


Mood: Weirded Out
Music: Toy Soldiers by Martika

Today, we look at Burger King and analyse the food.
Lunch and dinner was Burger King due to some weird coincidence. Lunch I went with my frens to eat at BK and took a nutritional guide. From there, I found out that Diet Coke is really as bad as normal Coke. Its a matter of whether you like to take more calories or more sodium. The healthiest burger is the Single Rendang Burger, etc...

The most interesting is that a large fries has more fibre and less calories than a large onion rings while a medium fries has more calories and less fibre than a medium onion rings. Funny Huh?

Been feeling weird today like somthing bad is gonna happen! Lets hope its ju lack of sleep and a touch of paranoia.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Joys Of Christmas

Mood: Happy
Music: *silence*

A quick update.

Juz bought and read Crystal Gorge by David Eddings. Fantastic book! It is the 3rd book in the Dreamers series. Of course doing a review on it will juz spoil the story for those eager to read the whole series. The series is a step away from his usual way of writing. For one, it doesnt have a true main character like Sparhawk, Athalus or Garion. The storyline is less on the travelling from here to there and more on the different perspectives of the important characters of each book. Different books have different important characters though as the series go, the important characters of previous books are still mentioned but in lesser detail. Final obvious difference is: there is no item of great power like the Orb, Bhelliom or Dagger (forgot its name). Thats cool because it gets predictable and boring. Edding's wit and humor is still there. You could say its a bridge between the Sparhawk series and the Belgarion Series. There are mature characters as well as kids. All important and discussed.

So happy!

Mood: Tired but satisfied
Music: *Silence*

Yesterday was a funny day. Spent the first half of the day at home reading Blood Memory by Greg Iles. Fantastic book! The plot is about some Lady who due to pregnancy, alcohol withdrawal symptoms and other psychological stuff faints at a crime scene that she was supposed to investigate. She goes back to her family estate to find that her father did not die the way or place she was told. Then begins the search for the truth and subsequent solving of the case that made her faint. For mature readers. Deals with the issue of child sex abuse. Nice.

Later on, I met Chris, Sel and Jon Dave (again?) at Changi Airport. The purpose was to send Jonny boy to England. We had a decent meal at Swensens' though the service was poor and so was Chris' Banana Split. We had our complaints but had to rush to T1 to send Jonny boy off. His folks were nice enough to ask us how we were going back but not nice enough to offer a ride. I guess it was because they didnt know I lived 2 km away from Chris' place which was 10 m from their place. Chris and I ended up taking a cab. Which was good because if we took a bus, I would be sleeping now.

Fun day!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Mood: Balanced
Musical Inspiration: Duo Ai Wo Yi Tian by Energy

Hello kind readers!

Today is a day where emotions are mixed. I am happy that my weekend was very fruitful as was my time with my friends throughout this holiday. I am a bit sad that one of the dynamic duo: Jon Dave is leaving for Germany for a holiday till early Jan. The other one is leaving in Early Feb and wont be back till next year December. the thing that really is putting my mood on the balance is the fact that suddenly my peaceful rest month is shattered by last minute parade prep. Wont really dwell, but suffice to say my private life has been dealt a severe blow.

Thinking of the uncertainty ahead, I feel that Uni life cant be that bad, neither can balancing my studies with my social activities/ sports. The things that worry me are more mid-term. What to do between 14th march till early August? Get a job? Maybe. Go for refresher courses? Unlikely. Slack my time away? Nah! One confirmed thing is I will be trying to get to Aussie land to spend time with my bro Chris and visit his folks since i am there. Shop for stuff and enjoy myself away from the pressure cooker called Singapore. I love Singapore but I need a break from the crowded nation. A break from the place which i call home. The country which i served as a soldier, commander and student.



Friday, December 16, 2005

Mood: ?
Musik: Lacking

Time to blog for a quick update. The week thus far has been but one very angry week. A lot of changes happening and all involve sacrifice from us. It pisses us off to lose leave.

Anyway, the highlights of the week were playing basketball with Chau and his girl twice in two days. Like a rank amateur, me and Chris got thrashed by Sel. Did play a bit of soccer. Showed off our skills to some kids. As usual, Sel fail to notice her bf's talents in soccer as she was in D Coke mode. Heh!

Anway, this week was boring.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Mood: Tired but Satisfied
Music: Crickets and Morning Birds

Funny how one trip to cell group can cause so much trouble.

The day started unlike any other day. I was awake till 4 am in the morning packing, cleaning arms and chatting with my friends in camp. Slept for 2 + hours then lugged my heavy bag back home after breakfast. Slept again.

I woke up to the sounds of my phone beeeping. Lo and behold, it was from my best bud: Chris. He asked me to meet at eleven thirty at his place so we could go Novena for a warehouse sale. We arrived at Novena square to meet Shahin. here comes the funny part, Shahin brought us to a shop IN Novena Square which was having a clearance sale. Didnt find anything very nice to warrant me spending money.

We had lunch at food court then went to Orchard Road to chill. Well, I went to chill but Chris went to meet his gf. I ended up following the 2 of them to cell group. The good news (really?) was that JD came along. So the three of us hogged all the attention being 1. new and 2. very vocal. Okay, I was quite quiet due to the fact that I was tired and I really knew little about Christianity. Little useful cell group stuff anyway. Cell group is to improve your knowledge of God's word and strength your faith. It is not a debate session unless both sides are well prepared like Chris or JD. Its like tutorial lesson as Chris says.

It did teach me some stuff but the small problem is I know where i will be going and it aint gonna be Heaven unless God has a really twisted sense of humor which he seems to have. Chris and Jon came out quite unhappy because of their more moderate and liberal views on religion in general. My view is simple worship God in whatever way you think is best. Its your heart and true deeds that will bring you to Heaven.

I got home super late and proceeded to go to bed. Then, the event happened. My stomach decided that it wanted to cramp up to test if that could wake me up. It did. I spent the next 2 hours feeling a bit like Jesus after the Roman soldier stabbed him with the Spear of Destiny.

Speaking of Jesus and the Spear of Destiny, yesterday's cell group discussed Jesus and his resurrection. From a medical point of view, Jesus should have been dead. The reason he is not is because he is God. I think more like God's son. He said he knew the way and he would lead his people to salvation and other good things. Sorry, if I sound a bit disrespectful but the jist is he promised that if you follow him he will bring you to his Father's kingdom: Heaven.There is no doubt that Jesus existed or that he did many amazing things but the point of contention is: Is Jesus still alive? The answer is Yes. Not because the Bible says so but because if God exists and has been with us since the Big Bang, then his son should be similarly eternal.

Okay, now all of the foundations of the world's biggest religion rests on the words of a Jewish blasphameous heretic. I believe this: Jesus is the son of God because no one has found his body and he disappeared after appearing to his followers. His job on our realm was done, he no longer needs his physical body. The time of miracles is over, now is the time of belief. Jesus preached the universal values in hope that those who do not have God or do not believe in his existence will have a chance to go to Heaven. Christianity is the religion that in effect built the modern world. Like all religions, it had is stupid times of indulgence. The Crusades, the Inquistions and mindless slaughters in Europe. The Jews were having trouble with geography, Islam was still developing, the rest of the religions had stagnanted. The nations which dragged us from barbarism to false civility were influenced by Christianity. The reason is simple, Christianity is very liberal and forgiving. Everyone screws up, killing them because they did something wrong is not going to help anyone.

I dun think Christianity is the only true way. It is but one of the easiest ways. This give rise to the belief of it being the only way. God doesnt care whether you speak to him in a mosque, a synagogue, a church, a temple or in the comfort of your own home. It is what is in your heart and your sincere actions that will bring you to Heaven. That is the common ground in all religions. Any religion that says if you pray X times a day, wear a dress and act like a fool but fails to insist you treat you fellow man/woman/child/animal with care is a religion of Satan. Karma is what is important. Treat others well, do things to heal not hurt. That is important.

Thats all I have to say.

Btw I am feeling much better thanks!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Mood: Normal
Music: Jiang Nan by Li Jun Jie

After a quick trip to Holland Village with my best friend and his sidekick, we ended up in the sidekick's place. By now, you all should know which dynamic duo I am talking about: Chris and JD. Well, we ate ice cream and generally juz stoned. Then came the incident. Chris decided to to visit his blog. Well, not quite, I visited his site and he saw Sel's comment. Then came his reaction. Background: he wrote a post that Selene did not like about God and religion.

That made me think about religion. My posts about God and religion have not been very supportive of the faithful. I try not to mention HIM because he hates me and I accept that. You cant write about God if he hasnt done you any favours. Anyway, lets state my stand: I believe there is a God, he loves mankind and forgives us our sins and most importantly: HE HATES ME! Heh!

Okay, you might ask why. I wont elaborate too much but it has something to do with my road to academic success or lack of it. I dun blame God for my ineptness but it takes divine intervention for someone who studies hard for an examination to screw up. The papers were easy and I dun think I could have screwed up that badly. In the end, I ended up in the worst JC at that time. SJI to CJC like a loser. Heh. I could have done that without any help and less studying. For a few days, I really thought God was a real selfish guy. Juz to keep me devoted to him, he denied me my dream of going to a school fit for my effort. Later on, I saw why but that is seriously not important.

Another example is when I asked him for help in my life such as going to OCS, etc... I get something else. I ask for help on something I can do but juz want insurance and I get a mega screw up. I go church and I feel angry and hate him more. Coolio!

Now, can anyone say I should not think God hates me? Well, If you do drop a tag.

Speaking of Tagboards,
mine seems to me crapping up.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Mood: Happy like never b4
Music: None (watching Star Awards 2005)

Hi all, today is 9th day of my return to my homeland, the place where my heart is, where my friends are (well for now) and the land where I was born and groomed into a man. (Yeah, its a long intro to Singapore). Anyway, so far the days have been fantastic, though i spend an improportionate of time with my bro Chris.

Okay. He lives 10+ mins walk away and he is having his Uni hols. So he is the only one free along with his group of friends. Jon Dave, Selene and Laura.

The week was fun, went Queensway and bought me my tennis equipment. Shirt, shorts and racket. Basic but necessary. After all, I wanna learn to play tennis.

Helped Chris distribute flyers, chatted with his gf, went out with them for dinner. All in the same day. Wednesday.

Thursday was lame because I went out with my cuz and i felt seriously outta place. her frens were more mind and less physical. Chatting with them was hard but at least I wasnt completely uncomfortable. Watched Harry the Son of a Potter and the Giblet of Water ( Harry potter and the Goblet of Fire). It was okay though I still think Harry is overhyped. He is supposed to be equal to Voldemort but I think Rowling wanted her readers to be kept interested so Harry wont be able to kill old Volde till after the next series.

Friday was another driving day. Met Jonny Daves there and we later met Chris and Selene. The original plan was to go to cell group but in the end we ened up eating pasta and making lame jokes at Chris'. Which was fine because i had Driving AGAIN on Sat morn.

Saturday was my 'REST' day. I rested and then spent the whole day prepping for Sunday. Packed all my Tennis gear and swimming stuff. Did my planning for the month of dec. Called Yixin late that night. Was a pleasant experience.

Sunday was the day of disappointments and changes. First, I woke up to Chris sms that we wont be going to Church because he wasnt feeling well after his 7th month anniversary (can it be called that?) Then came the news that it would juz be two of us playing tennis at Laura's Condo court and we wont be swimming. Well, it was fun though. Hoping the coming week will be happier and even more fun.

Well ciao!

Update ya later

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