Thursday, April 17, 2008


Finally going into the final lap of this semester! The end of this week means the end of my second year in NUS. Thoughts go through my mind such as regrets, thanksgiving and experiences.

This semester has been one of happiness and yet stress... I have made many decsions I regret and many decisions were vindicated. I wish I could turn back time but I guess there is no looking back.

I really hope I can pull through this semester and get good grades so I can enjoy my holidays in peace. So much to do, so little of Ian to do them.

Blog more in 3 weeks. (I hope)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Mas Selamat

The famous local escape artist who with a limp and no money, escaped through a toilet into someplace and is now 'still in Singapore'. How dumb is that? Which person in his right mind would stay in Singapore, a country the size of a 0.5mm dot on the world map, thinking he can evade the combined might of the military, police and kaypo Singaporeans? Oh wait, he is not in a right mind! Which person would think that blowing things up in Singapore is going to make any difference? We do that already! Thats how we keep our economy going: tearing things down and building new things.

What I think is, he is dead. At the bottom of the South China Sea as fish food and fertiliser for the corals and algae. He probably jumped on a speedboat, sped off and collided with some sampan, got thrown off, knocked unconcious and died. R.I.P M.S!

If he is still in Singapore, he would be either completely deranged, have the guts of a mammoth, have the IQ of negative 100+ or just all three. He would be lucky to be caught by the army or police because they would do just that catch him and throw him back into detention. If he gets caught by the lay people, I think we can prepare for a good old school lynching!

Come on Singapore lets go find Mr Selamat, bring your rope and mark all the good trees! Lets go lynch him!

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