Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Opened my blog to the world again.

Figured things out.

Now for a new working day.

See ya soon!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My New Year's Resolution for 2009

1. Achieve at least a B+ for Reporting Statistics in the Media and Human Capital in The New Economy
2. Get a 3.6 semester average for Year 4 Sem 1
3. To study smart and then hard for all modules in 2009
4. Go for knowledge instead of answers
5. Know how to utilize people and resources around me to get things done

1. Improve relationships with care group
2. To get to know the newbies of the care group better ( Ethan and Michelle + new believers)
3. To draw closer to Guan Rui and Shaun as brothers in Christ
4. To learn from all my friends about how non-believers think and how to connect with them

1. SGD 3k by 31st December 2009
2. Eat more home-cooked meals
3. Spend less on miscellaneous items like batteries and New Paper
4. Eat cheaper food and less often
5. Save 2k by 30th June 2009 to spend 1k for holiday

1. To decide whether I want to continue on my journey with God any longer (Done)
2. Improve my apologetics
3. Trust God
4. Learn how to open people up to share
5. Learn more guitar skills
6. Read the Bible to know more verses
7. Read and analyse the Bible carefully

1. Try to exercise vigorously at least 3 times a week
2. Eat more light foods like porridge and fish soup
3. Sleep at regular hours (12am to 7am for school days)
4. Do some light exercise/walking everyday

1. To figure my direction in life and what my life goals are
2. Refresh myself and build a new resolve to approach life
3. Destroy the pride and ego that lurks beneath my façade of confidence
4. React less and cool down more
5. Revise my personal standards to deal with new challenges

I hope to keep to these rules so please watch out for me!


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