Saturday, April 24, 2004

This is very weird! I am actually enjoying SISPEC! Not very surprising if you consider the fact that NOTHING has happened. Zip, zero. Canteen breaks, emart breaks and lotsa time to do admin. 5th week onwards is the Suffering In Silence Please Endure and Carry on (SISPEC). WAHAHAHA.
Last few weeks have been pretty bad for my cuz. Quarelling with her classmates and stuff. If half the stuff she told me is true, her classmates will not survive to the day of the A's. I speak from experience not opinion. Vanessa should really learn to relax. Now aint the time to get stressed out. No time is, but sometimes it happens. the A levels are a good six months away so worry then. I didnt get really stressed until after my Chemistry, Math and GP were over. My Physics was weak and i needed an A so the S monster came and attacked me.
Ask anyone who was around me during my J2 year and they will tell you that I hardly got that stressed by my results.
Van, as a friend i would tell you to relax and immerse yourself in something enjoyable. You will die academically if you keep this up. I can guarantee you that. As a senior, i would say work smart not hard. If you cannot absorb what you need to learn then let it go! no amount of mega studying will make your brain work rather it will affect absorption.
Well enough sad stuff! Next week's my cuz b'dae party cum BBQ. Something good to look forward to. Little Nat gonna be there along with my cuzs! Man life is looking up!
Yeah almost forgot! Got my IPPT gold award! One day off so i can recover from the scars of section training!!!!!!!
HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 09, 2004

SISPEC Warrior! Thats what i am now and will be for the next 10+ weeks! Well nothing really nice to say about my instructors except my Section instructor and platoon commander are really nice. Feeling quite dead about the place. The toilet is dirty and the food is not that great. Its gonna be a painful experience but a good prep for OCS and PTI course.
Learnt a lot during my block leave like good planning and how much my mind has degenerated since JC. I guess its God's way of accelerating my education.
Man, I love One Piece! Its one of the only things that keep me sane in camp! My Buddy, Nick is another good control. I guess Luffy and Co. will have to wait for me until after June 11th. Hoping to avoid trouble the whole course so i can go for my Grandmas' Birthday dinners and my cuz's 21st birthday BBQ. 3 weekends to look forward too besides Vesak Day.

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