Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Delusional Atheist

After reading the first 2 chapters of the God Delusion, I was disappointed. I expected really hard hitting, faith destroying, self-reflection causing intellectual prose. Instead, I found bitter, wrath-filled and terpid semi-literate prose. Dawkins, a great scientist, self-proclaimed atheist and well-respected intellectual, wrote perhaps the worst ever dissertation of his life.

The God Delusion seems more like a rant abeit a long one against the American Legal System, against self-percieved hypocracies and against people thinking science and religion are compatible. Dawkins seems more powerful in his speech than in this book. He seems so bitter that he has to fight religion, yet instead of writing a book which tears religion down, his book mocks religion in a way which makes him look no better than the people he tries to bring down. I feel when he wrote this trashy non-fictional thesis, he was very angry. Emotional writings are hardly good general reading. Imagine a book written by an emotional blogger at one shot. I think some people have doen that before.

Its the kind of book that after you written it, and published it, You regret the bulk of the content. Either its too offensive, too weak or just plain not your real style. I think Dawkins tried his best, but he is trying to convince people that religion is bad and harmful. I think thats a valid point, if you believe in right and wrong and harm is wrong. If you do not believe that evil exists and evil is just a moral tool then you have a problem defining good and bad. What is right and wrong? I find it hard to accept that a brilliant mind could degenerate into mindless anti-religion ranting which looks more fitting on a extremist religionist. The very people he hates. Live by the sword, die by the sword. What you hate will soon become what you are.

I pray God (or Satan with God's permission) will make Dawkins a better person. I believe its possible that he will be like Solomon and Bill Gates: reach the point where life has no meaning and realise God explains our meaning to life. Anger leads to sin, sin leads to eternal spiritual damnation. Dawkins will enjoy the fruits of his labour in this life but in the next, I dunno and I will not dare speculate.

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