Friday, October 26, 2007

Interesting person of the year: Richard Dawkins.

Satan's little helper. He believes that religion is nonsense when in fact without it, I doubt he would be alive to say much anyway.

Religion is kind of like be accountable to someone who sees everything and judges you from there. If you think you can live a life without religion and still be nice and fine and dandy. YOU can, just do not cry when someone else with a different set of rules decides to hurt you.

I believe Dawkins has had a bad experience with religion or chose science over reason. If you choose to believe that we are an accident abeit a cosmic one, thats worse than believing we were created by a Supreme Being with a purpose in this world.

Imagine a child being told he was an accident. How would he feel? Now magnify that 7 billion times the pain and confusion. Thats why we are the way we are. Confused on why we are here, what is our purpose on a macro level and personal level.

There are those who have progressed without God and found this purpose. There those who chose to follow interesting people and get high on poisions and forget about finding any purpose.

I rather believe I have a purpose in this world and its given by a benevolent Supreme Being than some cosmic accident. Big accidents dun mean big results, they just mean big clean up.

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