Saturday, August 12, 2006

Its been a week since I started my Engin Orientation Week.

I've been through the highs and lows of the programme. The pain of failure, the joy of success and the elation of team spirit. In many ways, this O week is the dawn of a new era. The era in which sacrifice is the core of my life. Freedom, happiness and personal stuff must be sacrificed in the name of my future.

Anyway, O week was fun. It was good for me. Finally a chance to adapt to a dual gender enviroment of social opportunities. A place to make friends, gain contacts and learn from my seniors. A place where I mould my future and have fun.

O week gave me a chance to let my hair down, to go crazy and to understand my current status. Those who know me very well should understand why I said the last sentence.

I cheered till I lost my voice, I sang till I went off-key and a played till my body ached. I still felt happy despite the lack of sleep, bizaare games and stupid compulsory programmes. In many ways, O week is a SDU-like activity minus the desperation to find someone special. During O week, I made many friends and had opportunties I had not had since JC. Still, I feel in life, opportunities come and go. Its just when you need to seize the opportunity that matters.

A life partner or a steady gf is fun but it gets in your way of studies, of pursuing your life in University an of understanding more about life. A first class honours is a excellent thing to get within 3 years+ but what have you learnt? The degree gets you something but doesnt give everything. Its what you learn outside the lecture theatres and tutorial rooms that really make the difference. Anyone can study but can just anyone hold a job for 30-40 years in the same company raise through the ranks and work under your own steam? The answer is no. The knowledge on the streets will prepare us for the more mundane but more frequently met problems.

I thank my OG Hydro for being there for me during O week. Special Thanks goes to my GC, Chien Wei and his very able ACs: Zhi Yi, Wei Xian, Huimin, Chen Xin and most importantly, Edward. Without them, there would be no Hydro.

If any of my OG mates ever stumble across this blog of mine. I only have to say Thanks!

Ka Ora: Its Life!

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