Sunday, February 26, 2006

MUNICH the real life incident

Mood: Neutral
Music: Bu Pa Bu Pa by Jocie Kwok

Its been 40 plus years since the Munich Olympics massacre by the Black September group. The issue was reopened by the movie about it. I have just watch a documentry about the aftermath of the massacre. I believe those who kill must be killed. Live by terrorism die by terrorism. No one has any reason to feel sorry for the Black September members because they chose their path the moment they killed the Israeli athletes during the international event to symbolise peace. One country's freedom fighter, another's terrorist is a common saying to justify terrorism. Is it really true? Are terrorist really fighting to free their people or are they really just finding a excuse to commit violence? Usually these freedom fighters become the very evil they say they are fighting. Is being killed by a person of a different religion/race/skin colour worse than being killed by someone like you?

The human mind is too complex to give an accurate answer to all the questions. Osama is a great person for his courage to challenge the USA but his means of achieving 'freedom' for the Muslim world are doubtful. Does killing people who are different help your people? The answer is no. The Americans learnt it the hard way in the mid-1900s. Racism and Religionism are plain stupid because everyone is different and everyone is free to do what they like. This freedom must have some bounds of course. Laws exist for that reason. Why should a person's religion or race make him a demon/devil? Thats why Osama must be caught and punished in front of the world for his stupidity. Killing non-Muslims will just result in more violence against Muslims. The number of Muslim haters increases everyday not because they are xenophobes or rednecks but because of all the things these fundmentalist Muslims do 'in the name of Islam'.

I believe Islam is more like Christianty and Judaism than any other religion. Yet, Islam's supposed opponents are the above 2 religion. Funny isnt it? Well, I've said my piece. In summary, if you want to stop terrorism, then stop terrorising each other. Terrorists are born from terrorism, the chicken and the egg scenerio.



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