Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Music: Numa Numa dance by Gary Broslma/O-Zone
Mood: Ecstatic!!!!!

Woohoo!!!!!! Never been so happy for so long. Thanks to Selene, Laura, Jonathan David, I am revitalised. Well, at least psychologically. Anyway, today was a blast.

First, the day started bad. Well, not so bad because i saw on the whiteboard that the book out timing was 1130. Which was fine, considering I was to meet Selene, Jonathan and Laura at 1330hrs. A 2 hour buffer zone which i could use to read books, settle my library books and enjoy a leisurely MRT train ride from Yew Tee to City Hall over the North-South Line.

Unfortunately, like many wars, campaigns and other military activities, something disrupted my plan and a delay of 1 hour and a half was imposed. I ended up getting into a taxi and rush to Orchard from which i took to city hall. I turned out, i was late by almost half an hour. Good thing i was wearing my sports shoes because i ran and ran. Looking back, a bystander would almost comment Pao Ba Hai Zhi (Run lah Kiddo! heh), mainly it would funny and secondly because i am pretty short and stocky like a kid. :)

The meeting place was Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Raffles City. I met them, we went to Carl Junior's for a big meal. And big it was! The burger was like a double whopper! The fries and drink was huge. Drink were free-flow which meant free! I drank like 3 large cups which was about 3 litres?

After talking a whole lot of crap which is really nonsense to anyone eavesdropping (what is an eave and why when you drop it you can hear things you are not supposed to hear?) , we got a blueberry cheesecake for Laura as a birthday cake. Of course what we discussed was not crap or nonsense as least not to me. Small talk and innocent ribbing is part of friendship and helps to give me a reason to soldier on (heh soldier on). The cake was delicious, light, flavourful and of course expensive.

We then went to Bugis Street to shop. Due to my lack of sleep and obvious lack of shopping fitness, I was exhausted after 3 hours of shopping. I only bought 1 cap and a toy hammer for the girls to hit Jon with and not hurt him. Bugis Street was great because i saw lotsa chicks and even saw some of my men walking around.

Dinner was more sombre. A quick one at clementi with JD.

All in all, this day was well spent because it was spent with friends and not spent on military pursuits.


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