Saturday, January 08, 2005

Whoa! Seven days since i last blogged. Been a lot of days but not much really happened.
Recap of the week the hath past.

Monday: More or less rested at home till afternoon then went to hit the ball. Got the technique of hitting the ball but still cant hit the dimpled spherical piece of plastic straight!!!!!!! After that went to swim. Still nothing worth reporting.

Tuesday: The day i went back to camp. Really hectic day. Did my BOS and preped for training. Finally went to the library to change books.

Wednesday: Pretty much the same as Tuesday with lots of work to be done and things to settle. Went home to have a quick bath and clear my ever growing inbox of junk mail. My emails are,, and The oldest is ianluca.

Thursday: Being trapped in the office again! Did the longest CRO in my short term as a sergeant. So much to type about poisons and CD. Went out with my pal Chris and Jon Dave. Went to the night market to buy stuff. Got me a couple of chinese CDs and glue for my charts. Even with friends in the civi world my work follows like a shadow or stalker. Well, shows my dedication to my job.

Friday: Spent my time checking CD suits and cleaning my vehicle for inspection. Ended up waiting for things to happen and fell asleep. Booked out on Sat. Finished reading Mortal Fear By Greg Illes.

Saturday: Came home, pottered around for a while then prepared to go for my friend's party. Left the house at around 1630. Reached Tanah Merah MRT at 1800. Realised the place was deserted. As in really no sign of any shops or convenience stores. Wasted half an hour there. Thanks to my instincts i brought a book to read. Tian Kwan and Jing Yuan finally showed up. Of course still had to wait for our host to give us the Navigational Data Sheet, Compass and Map. Actually, thats what i thought because he took his time to come and he invited 40+ ppl. In the end, he appear to pick us up. Nick Lee's house was fantastic. So many people i know but have not caught up with them due to all kinds of reasons. Well, met Kenneth, Chun Kiak, Nick Pang and Thom there. Talked about our unit and stuff. As usual Pang and Turkey went for the booze. I went for the food and ,man, i was great. Nick Lee's mum can really whip up a storm. Lamb Flaps, spaghetti, curry and much more. The cheesecake was heavenly. The 'kids' ended up in Nick Lee's room playing PS2. Funny thing is Khee Yong's girlfriend was winning everyone in Crash Bandicote Racer or something. The day ended with his mum fetching me to the MRT and I went home. Tiring but fun

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