Saturday, January 01, 2005

Hey yo!
The last time is blogged the year was ending and all was well. Now, as i blog, people in Indonesia are dying by the thousands. An average of 20 000 Indonesians per day have died since the tsunami hit the archepelago last week. It is very sad that as we Singaporeans celebrate the new year with our foam parties and countdowns, people in neighbouring Indonesia are sifting through the rubble for loved ones and fellow Indonesians. Tragedy could and should have been avoided but money politics and power diverted live-saving money into the pockets of fat cat officials. Nothing stinks more than your own crap! The Indonesians were corrupt but no one cared! Now, almost 100 000 Indonesians have died. Washed away like dirt. The poor will suffer most when the rich are corrupt.

It is the same in all countries. USA, Indonesia, India, China and Russia. Powerful nations with many mega rich people and ultra corrupt politicians. When you look the other way, you can never look back again with out regretting. God has sent a sign to us but as usual we 'hyper-intelligent species' have ignored him and blamed others for the mishap. Why do we even bother to invoke the Lord's name when all we care about is our pockets and power?

In WW2, the world lost 45-50 million people. It was declared a tragedy. Have we learnt anything since then? No! We used God's name to abuse those not in our circle of trust! We pushed the Palestinians out so we could put the Jews in. No one wanted the Jews so why not use the Bible to find a place to dump the 'undesirables'. God sent Hitler to us to scare us awake but all we have to show for it is 50 million dead humans and a big 'Holy' problem.

We do not turn to him for guidance but for self-assurance. Let us repent or else we might go the way of the dinosaurs. Humans came out of the shadow of the Dino Age. So humble our beginnings but yet we now act no better than the very creatures God destroyed to give us a chance to rule. Mother Earth is dying but does anyone care?

The last week was okay. Had range from mon to wed. Passed the test though could have done a lot better. The next two days were spent completing my admin work which piled up during the duration of the range. Very very tiring. Considering that i slept everyday after 1 am and woke up before 6 am, I am quite okay.

Friday was coolio! Booked out at 12+. Went home and had a quick nap. Then met my friends at Tiong Bahru. Bought our tickets for Meet The Fockers. Walked around till 2145. Saw some really cool PDAs and handphones. Got my eye on the connection cables for DVD player to Music player. Finally, got my Christmas present which was S.H.E Encore. Got Jay-Z and Linkin Park too. On discount so could not resist! After the movie, we celebrated the New Year! Went home and slept. More updates later! Now tired!

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