Saturday, December 04, 2004

Well....... The week about to be over. All the happy times spent gone down the toilet of history. At least it was partially fruitful! Went out with my cuz, friends and myself! Watched many a movie. But alas all good things must end and all bad ones must begin! For it is when you experience the bad and unhappy things that you learn to appreciate the good things in life.
Now for a short rant to clear my mind!
Without bad what is good? Without evil what is holy? Why do we say that there is a Devil called Satan? It is simply because we need a scapegoat, an outcast, a monster to blame our problems and faults on! In our beliefs, good triumphs over evil but look around you! I dare you say that it is really true! Look at the most pious among our leaders! George 'The Idiot' Bush! Look what a mess he has created! Look how he uses God's name! Look at how he helps his fellow Americans! The poor are dying and the rich are thriving! Where is God? Bushie Boy and his cabal of sadists are plotting to commit evil deeds in the name of God! You pay a pliot 16k a year and then forbid him from claiming welfare! You give tax breaks to the rich guys and let the poor waste away! WHY GOD WHY? Why have you sent us a dunce to lead your people? Why not Clinton or one of the Lees? Why Bush? He aint even fit for command of a squadron of planes much less the balance of world order! Everyday he sits in the White House is a day lost to extremism, day more that your chose people (Muslims, Christians and Jews) drift further apart! If Satan existed, then who would he corrupt to do his bidding? Osama the evil but extremely sick and kidney-failing terrorist? or George W. Bush the President Of The United States Of America(USA)? I think Bushy! If God is all-powerful, then he has either given up on us or juz wants us to suffer more then come save us! Come on what kind of loving God would let his people suffer everyday of their lives? To lose faith in him? To let the evil use his name? I juz thought that i should release my frustration towards the state our world today! I have lost and found my faith in God many times. He is still with us I believe but far more unwilling to use his powers to save us from Luicifer then when his Chosen roamed the Middle East thousands of years ago! He has done miracles in all our lives yet sometimes he chooses to hold back to let us depend on ourselves. Juz like a mother has to let go of her hands to teach her child to walk, God releases his hold on us to let us learn how to live. For it is in suffering that you learn what is enjoyment, it is in giving to others your last possessions that you appreciate the value of money and possessions. The Americans failed their second test from God! Bush has won aka Satan has won................
Not true! God loses the small skrimishes to let the Devil feel pride and arrogance then the Lord Almighty will smote him down with humility. Let us people of God not fall for the Devil's tricks and false promises. Perhaps God is indeed sending Armageddon to us but not the melodramtic type you see in the movies but one where all shall be revealed. An event of serenity rather than violence! We shall see the face of God and Satan. What happens after that, I dare not say!

Well that was a rush!

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