Monday, January 12, 2004

The past few days have been like way cool. Watched Lord of The Rings with my folks. ( The first two). Went to buy new books and went on exercise binge. Lost like 2 kilograms of fat.
Man, Michael Moore is so Nationalistic but at least he is funny. Well, someone has to give the people the facts if not what is gonna stop le United States Of Amerika from turning the world into ze United Nations of Amerikan? Well Bush-boy has not caught Osama or Omar. It is rumored that Omar is in Nigeria. So much for American Intelligence. Which is an oxymoron casue after electing Bushy-Baby into the White House they have shown their lack of intellect. Which idiot chooses a simpleton to the most powerful office in the world. What if he said "wonder what this button does?" in the Oval Office and turns St. Petersburg into a wasteland? Then we will have World War 3 (or 4 if you consider the Cold War as WW3).
Well, at least Lee Hsien Loong is capable despite all the under-the-table help he got to become Brigadier General and Deputy Prime Minister. He probably could run the USA better the Georgie Bushie. Lee Kuan Yew would never overtly pull the strings of NUS or NJC to get his children in. They got in through their merit but of course their helicopter promotions and selection for scholarship is more suspect. At least, we are sure that Hsien Loong and Hsien Yang are actually qualified for their present jobs and not given the jobs by their parents. Look at Bush, he got into Yale thru what we call connection appeal. Look at DPM, he became BG and DPM because he was perhaps the most capable person in the SAF and PAP of his generation. In fact, it was generally agreed that he would succeed in anything he wanted to pursue. The PAP had to force him to leave the army so there would be three generations of capable leaders for the present and future. His kids are not getting into any trouble, in fact no one knows who or where they are. He has an albino kid but no one cares because the name Lee isnt fodder for a dynasty but a common name. The Lee poltical dynasty, as some Western academics calll it, will come to an end but not due to overthrow but due to their inablity to meet the criteria for admission into the PAP. They are equal to us unlike the Kennedys and Bushes.
Good Night!

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