Thursday, November 20, 2003

Do ever get the feeling that you are wrong to scold someone but yet shrug it off as being weak and wimpy?

Well I have. I juz screwed my friends for finishing today when I still have physics for the next week. Well its not as if they dunno that I am well unreasonable. I guess some people are stupid or naive.

Yeah I am being a fucking wanker (yes I have started to use vulgarities). That's life isn't it? People treat you nicely when they think you are useful then kill you as soon as you falter. I dunno why I reacted that way but I guess it is jealousy. Jealousy is part of human nature so if you wanna say something send me an email.

Its not fair for me to suffer 1 more interminable week in exam study mode while my friends are singing songs in Kbox(sounds like a new game system Xbox, Kbox) and I am mugging for an exam that I know I have no chance of acing because of some bunch of wanker scholars in the better school. Why do i bother? Probably so that I can get job and start a family. What does Boyle's Law and Coulomb's Laws have to do with children and family stuff? Its not like my kids will expand under changes in pressures or become highly charged in dry weather.

Half the freaks taking the A levels have no interest in the subjects they are taking but take them for a bloody A. I hate physics but I need it as a third sub. Why do I bother to even study for my exams when I know all I will get is Bs?
Am I a studyholic? Or some deprived soul who needs to study to complete his unfufilled life?

Whatever...... I might apologize to the bunch of wankers maybe after my physics.

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